Visit the Board Regents website to see meeting materials and videos.
Big ideas UMN


Guided by the priorities and goals of MPact 2025, the University’s first Systemwide Strategic Plan, and previous planning efforts, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus has commenced a campus plan update process that will assist the University in physically translating its academic mission and strategic vision through a data-driven approach. The campus plan update will be a flexible guide for future development, focusing on the university's needs over the next 10 years, and envisioning how the campus should feel and function. This website will keep you updated on what's happening with the campus plan update, and how you can get involved!

Upcoming Events

The Board of Regents have been engaged in the development of the plan since the beginning of the process. Review of the final plan is anticipated in Fall 2021.


The campus plan update process is organized into four phases.


The campus plan update team will engage the University of Minnesota Twin Cities community during the first two phases to gather feedback on the existing campus and on the proposed plan. Stay tuned for more details!



November - April
This initial phase will develop a compelling vision for the comprehensive University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus based on input from stakeholders, review of past planning efforts and consideration of peer institutions.

Assumptions, Trends + Projections

February - May
Phase 2 will identify planning assumptions driving future campus change and test these assumptions against demographic, financial and cultural trends with impacts on all campus-based type activities (teaching, research, and outreach), facilities and infrastructure / support systems.

Draft Plan Production

June - July
Phase 3 will focus on the draft documentation of the preferred vision for campus community feedback.

Final Plan

August - October
Phase 4 will involve the documentation of the final campus plan update.


The University community contributed to the campus plan through surveys, meeting discussion and emailed comments.


In early 2021 more than 9,000 UMTC students, faculty and staff were invited to complete a survey to inform the campus plan. More than 2,800 were responses received: 60% from staff, 26% from students and 12% from faculty. To view a summary of survey responses please follow the link below. Each question shows the top 4 responses. Click to see additional responses.


Throughout 2021 the planning team shared draft plan ideas and gathered feedback. In addition to regular meetings with President Gabel and her cabinet, and an appointed Advisory Committee comprising students, faculty and staff, the planning team attended Student and Faculty Senate meetings, staff workshops and Welcome Week events.


The Board of Regents is scheduled to review draft campus plan material in October and to act on the final plan document in December.

Tell Us About Yourself

We are hoping to connect with a broad range of University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members through this website. Could you share more about your background to help us better understand who we are reaching?

Thank you for your response

What is your University of Minnesota Twin Cities affiliation?

Additional thoughts or questions? Scroll down to contact us!

Additional Resources

  • Click here to see additional survey responses.
  • Click here to watch a webinar recorded on Sept 10, 2021. A Q&A session follows the 40-minute presentation. The recording includes an automatically generated audio transcript.
  • This 10-minute video recorded in June, 2021 shares important context for the Big Ideas central to the campus plan.
  • Video from the February 11, 2021 meeting of the Board of Regents Finance & Operations Committee.


Additional thoughts or ideas? We'd love to hear from you! Please email

Thank you for your response

Please share your comments with the planning team.